Festivals are a brilliant way to retreat from everyday life, relaxing outdoors with fellow human beings and sharing in the celebration of music, humanity, food, nature and a good time.
Learning to let go and enjoy is becoming increasingly important as our lives become busier and busier and our free time is eroded away but work and other commitments. I relish being anywhere away from emails and texts and long for the days when it was hard to get hold of people. Communication is a good thing, a great thing – but it’s also a curse as we can so easily slip into overload. Festivals are a perfect excuse to check out and be off the radar for a while. I like nothing better than being outdoors with my husband, children, and friends listening to music and relaxing with a drink and a smile”
My Top Fertility Tips for Festivals
- Sex in a tent is great fun, forget about ovulation sticks and don’t worry where you are in your cycle and if it’s “a good time in the month for sex”, remember sex for sex sake and just enjoy. Forget about using healthy yoni eggs too! You won’t need that at the moment.
- Don’t worry too much about excessive washing – we are over sanitized these days. Pheromones are what we produce to attract another they enhance attraction and potentially arousal and attraction. The smell of a man’s armpits is said to really activate women’s libido. Be natural for a weekend everyone’s in the same boat.
- Try to relax your fertility plan for the weekend – don’t go too mad but do relax and let your hair down. Trying for a baby can really take the joy out of a relationship so put it to the back of your mind and rediscover each other.
- You can relax on your eating rules when on a festival. Take some healthy snacks; fruit, nuts, seeds, oats cakes and humous etc as fill-ins. When eating take away food at the festival stick to things like falafels and vegetables based dishes.
- Consider taking Chlorella tablets which are high in protein and really good for the liver too.
Sesame seeds are excellent for reducing the effects of alcohol. - Take some aloe vera gel which is a great cure-all for cuts, scratches or mild sunburn. Keep it in the cool box.
- Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, allow yourself the odd drink but make sure you have eaten and don’t drink on an empty stomach or to excess.
- Wear a hat if it’s very sunny so you don’t get overheated.
- Remember it can get very cold at night so take an extra layer.
- Take a kettle to make herbal teas. ‘Nourish blood’ from my new Cycles of Life organic tea range is amazing for anyone who gets hay fever or to give the energy to dance the night away.